

Symposium April 12, 2024: Rethinking educational spaces. Future Classroom, metaverse and AI

Online symposium Friday the 12th of April 09:00-16:00

On the 12th of April, the DIGSUM research group Learning and ICT, Umeå University, together with the research group Procesos, espacios y prácticas educativas, University of Salamanca, will host an online symposium titled Rethinking educational spaces. Future Classroom, metaverse and AI.

The symposium will be centered around the transformations that the field of education is going through as a result of the digitalization of society. Topics of discussion include:

  • New spaces: future classroom, metaverse, IA… What implications do these new digital spaces have? Can they be considered equally as real as physical space? Are we talking about new materialities?

  • The role of educators, teachers, and pedagogues in the design of educational technologies and resources. Should educators be involved in the design process of these technologies? What educators/teachers are being affected by these new spaces? What do they think about it?

  • Ontological implications of these new spaces

  • Politics. Implications for policymakers

For more information about the event see [here].

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