

#frAIday: AI literacy – what and for whom?

Friday 24th of November 12.15-13:00 on Zoom (registration required) 

On the 24th of November, the TAIGA focus area on Education and AI invites you to a talk on “AI literacy – what and for whom?” held by Linda Mannila, University of Helsinki and Linköping University. The talk is a part of TAIGA’s seminar series #frAIday on different perspectives of AI.

As AI technologies are rapidly developed and integrated in various aspects of life and work, it becomes increasingly important to know how to use AI based tools, but also have a basic understanding for how the technology works. Strategy and policy documents at both national and international level highlight the need for AI literacy, as a means to empower individuals to make informed decisions, understand and mitigate ethical issues and biases, and adapt to evolving job markets. This literacy is essential not only for personal empowerment but also for shaping public policy, fostering innovation, and ensuring the responsible development and use of AI technologies. In this talk, Linda Mannila, will discuss AI literacy based on two questions: what can it entail and for whom?

Linda Mannila is Associate Prof. in CS at the Univ. of Helsinki (FI) and Adjunct Associate Prof. in CS Education at Linköping University. Her research focuses on questions related to digital competence and AI literacy from a learner, teacher and organisational perspective. She currently leads AILIT, a co-design project on AI literacy at school funded by the Swedish Cultural Foundation (FI), as well as NordicEdAI, a Nordic network on AI in education funded by the Swedish Research Council.

For more information about the event and registration, see [here].

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